Are you missing a link? Then we’re the solution you’re looking for!
HVC (Handel- & Vervoerders Coöperatie) is the co-operative partner for all your international freight contracting!

Why HVC?
HVC takes the spot market as the starting point for shipments. Contract work from PTC for which no members are available or for which it is impossible to obtain a transport warrant, or journeys acquired on the spot market by HVC charterers are chartered here. Are you considering becoming a member of PTC in the long term? As a standing HVC chartered carrier, you have an advantage that allows you to take part in the authorisation procedure.
What area does HVC operate in?
HVC generally charters raw materials, such as gravel and aggregates for construction, but also other cargo that principally has to be transported to and from the Netherlands, Belgium, northern France and Germany.

For more information on navigation on behalf of HVC, or having your cargo forwarded by HVC, please click on the button below. Fill in the contact form or get in touch with our HVC charterers.